Stand out from the crowd of the same content and become a leader with FVS.
Our works are the embodiment of careful strategic and tactical alignment with the goals of clients and two decades of gaining expertise in film production that stands out for its authenticity, achieving results and audience loyalty.
Documentary films are a special passion and field of expertise and success for us, but we do not input any less energy, professionalism and artistic spirit in corporate films, short web forms, music videos and films. There are no small or big projects for us – each one is an opportunity for us to create new values and show love for what we do. STRONG BRANDS ARE BASED ON A GOOD STORY
CORPORATE PRODUCTION Build a strong bond between your brand and your target audiences
A brand is no longer just a product used, a brand is a philosophy that is built, shaped and driven by the user and all this with a good story that leaves an impression. Understanding that quality is more important than quantity is a prerequisite to stand out from the mass of the same content that does not pass the test of time and business requirements. With our ideas stemming from the experience of working with the biggest brands and an artistic spirit that does not allow the creation of kitsch and mediocrity, marketing production becomes the backbone of success and results of all our clients.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT IN EVENT ORGANIZATION For supreme events without unplanned situations
Top equipment and an experienced team with a large number of realized events are a guarantee of success that makes us the first choice of companies that want the best results. There are no unforeseen situations - we plan carefully every minute and are ready for any challenge we may encounter. State-of-the-art photo, video and audio equipment, reflectors, stages, screens, projectors - our offer consists of all the elements that make the event a multimedia ambiance for organizers and guests.
FVS RENTAL STUDIO A space where the best ideas come from
If you need a training center or just a studio - we have it. Knowing what is necessary for good concentration, inspiration that creates masterpieces and an atmosphere that gives each project a finishing touch, we have designed a studio that can offer all this to you. Contact us for more details, and we will help you realize each of your ideas to the end. SEE RENTAL EQUIPMENT
WEB i Print Dizajn
Oživljavamo vaše ideje – od početka do uspeha
Svaki brend započinje svoj put uspeha od dizajna – on je lična karta koja vas čini prepoznatljivim u poslovnom svetu. Važno je da svaki njegov element, od logotipa, preko promo materijala ili web prezentacije bude gradivni element filozofije i ideje koju oko svog brenda gradite. Naš tim dizajnera na prvom mestu zna da vas sasluša, prepozna potencijal u vašim idejama i posavetuje vas kako da zajedno dođemo do najboljeg rešenja – pravovremeno, profesionalno i kvalitetno. WEB AND PRINT DESIGN We revive your ideas - from beginning to success
Every brand starts its journey of success with design - it is an ID card that makes you recognizable in the business world. It is important that each of its elements, from the logo, through promo materials or web presentations, presents a building block of the philosophy and idea you are building around your brand. Our team of designers knows how to listen to you in the first place, recognize the potential in your ideas and advise you on how to come up with the best solution - in a timely, professional and quality manner